Sunday, April 19, 2009

What a trip

So we had quite the trip to Las Vegas, we got there Friday night around 9 or so. After having a little treat we set up camp downstairs in the dining room. The fun really didn't start until 3 a.m. when Amy started throwing up... she was sleeping upstairs in the loft with several others, when she ran to the bathroom. Most of it stayed in the bathroom, but when Garrett threw up it was all over the carpet. needless to say Wendy, Lee and Deon were on clean up (it was funny to hear Deon talk about Garretts "spew", she is so fun). I was downstairs making sure the kids didn't wake up while Lee was steam cleaning the carpet. Well the fun had just started. The next morning we had breakfast and went for a swim. The kids loved it. Bailey was doing a great job diving for little sinking toys while kennedy and Tucker were pushed around by Lindsey and I.
Later that day I set up the tent for us to sleep in, the kids were so excited, they were crawling aroung like puppy's when we heard Tucker grunt and Kennedy started to cry. When I found him he was pressed up against the side of the tent, it scared me a little just by the way he was sittting there, I was woried that he had gotten hurt... Luckly it was just a little rough housing and everyone was fine.
Another scare came after dinner. The kids had begged to go swimming again, we got ready and jumped in. Kennedy was jumping off the little seat in the water when she must have flipped right over, she had a little float tube around her that let her have a little freedom to paddle around. I turned around to see just her legs sitting out of the water. I was scared to DEATH! I quickly swam over to her and flipped her back over, she had held her breath the whole time and was just a little startled. I was so releaved. She turned to me and said "you saved me daddy, I love you". I love that little girl, she means so much to me. I would have felt terrible if I would have lost her. We continued our swim and this time I stayed very aware of what she was doing. She was so cute, she would swim over to Dad or I and say I love you, and give a kiss. What a joy to have her in my life.
Well, to get back to the flu that was running around the house. Stacy was sick in the morning, while Lauren got sick at the airport that afternoon. Uncle Lee ended up sleeping in the bathroom by the toilet, and our poor little Tucker lost his dinner about 11:00. After he had thown up we decided it would be a whole lot easier for us to take care of the kids at home if the other two got the little bug also. so we quickly packed up as much as we could, and Dad offered to take the tent down and bring it to us when they came home. Lucky for us that was really the only time Tucker threw up. To say the least it was an interesting trip, with a whole lot of scary moments. Don't worry Wendy, a tough weekend won't keep us away long.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Way to go Linny

We are so proud of our little Linny. She seems to always be the best student in her graduating class. Every graduation she is pulled aside and given special awards for how great she is. Tonight we attended an award ceremony for Lindsey, she was given the outstanding student award in the nursing program. It was a great time with Amanda, Dad and Mom. We love you and I am so proud of what you are able to do.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well, we had a great day. Starting out by getting up around 7 on a Saturday brings me back to my younger years when we were needed out in the garden. Fortunately we didn't have to weed today... We got the kids ready for a fun time at the city park where a few businesses and the fraternity put together an enormous easter egg hunt. They had over 21 thousand eggs out on the grass. I couldn't believe it, they said it was the largest egg hunt in Utah. I had Bailey in the 4-6 age group watching with Tucker and Sadie, while Lindsey had Kennedy at the 0-3 year old areas. As you can see in the picture Bailey found his friend Holden to hang out with while we waited. They did quite well, as you could imagine with all of those eggs (Kennedy did have a little nervous breakdown when the Fire-engine honked his horn for the signal). Bailey ended up with a whole bunch of candy and three kites, while Kennedy ended up with two kites.
After we had finished we decided to go out to Parowan to join in their festivites. This time Kennedy did much better and the two of them ended up with a whole lot more candy plus a few cans of soda that were out in the field also... so much fun to watch.

Friday, April 3, 2009

FUN, Fun, fun

So I think I have the greatest kids ever! (everyone else is green with envy) We always have so much fun. Today Kennedy wanted to feed Tucker some baby food, I had to give in and just watch Tucker get covered in it. She would fill the little spoon and attempt to get it into his mouth, she definitely has to work on her aim because she would end up hitting him everywhere but the mouth. To add to the difficulty of the job Tucker would grab at the spoon, wanting to do it himself. We really had a good time. I can't wait for it to warm up so we can get out more. Keeping the kids entertained during the cold days makes it a long day. I love them still the same though.