Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, here is the update for the family. I just got a new job at the hospital, I work as a housekeeper in the afternoons... this works out perfect for my school and usually for Lindsey to be home. Lindsey is still working hard and doing a wonderful job as a mother at the same time. She is an inspiration to me and I am very grateful to her patience with me while I continue school. Bailey boy is busy with school and also getting ready for his baptism that is coming up in May. We will be sending out invitations soon. He told me that this last week in Sunday school he was happy and crying at the same time... he wondered why. I took the time to explain to him that it was the spirit he felt and that after his baptism he could feel it more often. He is very excited for it. Kennedy is a busy little girl as well, she and Tucker are doing well with all of the babysitters we pass them to while I am at school and have really been great. She is loving being a sunbeam and loves to sing as well. Tucker is a funny little boy, whenever he is scared he shrugs his shoulders up and backs into a corner. He loves all animals and is learning to talk more. We have also decided to look for a bigger house to live in. It has gone well, but the bank that owns the house we want is putting us though loops. We will get there soon, with love, the Finches.

1 comment:

C Stevens said...

I'm so glad you posted. It's been months. I love the update and we are excited for Baileys baptism. Good luck with the new house.
Love ya